About Us

This day is all about PostgreSQL - the world's most advanced open source database. Take the opportunity to meet with other people interested in PostgreSQL in Belgium. Beside the talks we offer the chance to network during the day. The event is suitable for everybody, from first-time users, students, to experts and from clerks to decision-makers. Within the description of each talk the target audience will be mentioned. The organisational team consists of W. Bertels (UCLL), A. Vercammen(Groep IDEWE) and G. Gioffredi (enosac). The information from the past conference is available for 2024

Financial Disclosure

The sponsorship is used to organize the conference, host the website or other to support PostgreSQL in Belgium. No staff receives any payment for their work, except for free attendance and a staff dinner. We will keep an overview of transactions with descriptions on the pgconf-be wiki Expenses of pgconf.be are covered with the income from our sponsors and from the registration fees. We aim at keeping costs for both parties as low as possible and include free entries for students in order to enable as many interested people as possible to attend. Profits are reinvested in the next year's edition of pgconf.be or Belgian PostgreSQL user community activities related to PostgreSQL.


The idea is to create a conference with a focus on high quality talks in a open environment. "PGConf", "PGDay", "Postgres Conference" and "PostgreSQL Conference" are registered trademarks of PostgreSQL Europe.

Code of conduct

The PostgreSQL community is an open community but should any situation or question arise, the Code of Conduct for this conference is described here. You can contact a unaffected member of the staff in case of a complaint.

Venue and partner

UCLL is the host that accomodates and facilitates the conference.

6 May




Confirmed speakers

Registrations will be opened later, this is so you can already mark your calendar

The schedule will be announced later


We offer 2 levels of sponsorship, this means gold(1000), platinum(2000). You are free to hand out what you want; but keep climatechange in mind, we don't want to create more uneccessary waste, so think from a sustainable perspective. The logo of the sponsor will appear on the website in the appropiate category. Sponsorship is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Gold(max 4): logo on the website + stand. Platinum(max 2): logo on the website + stand + keynote speaker.

> Gold

Event FAQs


Free for speakers, helping hands and students. There is no attendance fee as such for participants, but you are required to register.

Parking, attendance, small lunch and reception
The schedule can change due to several circumstances. But in general we don't expect it change much.
Like a dba, or optionally, only if you have to, like a developer. No seriously, there is no dress code. Clean and non-offensive clothing in which you feel comfortable is fine.
Feel free to contact us, the response might take some time though

Call for Speakers open

Are you a PostgreSQL user or developer or does your company use PostgreSQL? We are happy to hear about your project, your experiences (good and bad), or any topic of interest around PostgreSQL that grabbed your attention. Specifically for this year we would like to have one session about security. A session lasts 45 minutes including questions. Tell us about your proposal. Submit a duration, title and an abstract; if you already have a presentation, send that as well. Include a short text about you and your relation to PostgreSQL. Mail your submission to the talk selection committee with literally the subject 'I love Elephants'. Confirmed speakers will get free access to the conference (including lunch).
The talk selection committee and program committee consists of W. Bertels (UCLL), A. Vercammen(Groep IDEWE) and G. Gioffredi (enosac).

The deadline for proposals is March 15th.

Event Location

Leuven - Haasrode
Campus Proximus - UCLL
Geldenaaksebaan 335
3001 Heverlee
General Phone: +32 16 375 300